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抄録 外傷性昏睡に関与するニューロン系を調べるためにマウス頭部外傷モデルを用い神経伝達物質のagonistおよびantagonistの意識障害に対する影響を検討した。マウス735匹を無麻酔下で頭部に600g・cmの衝撃を加え,昏睡から立ちなおり反射の現われるまでの時間(RR)と自動運動の出現するまでの時間(SM)で判定した。痙攣発生率,死亡率も検討した。薬剤は衝撃30分前に腹腔内投与した。Acetyl-choline系:physostigmineはRR (p<0.1),SM (p<0.01)短縮またはその傾向を示し,scopolamineは対照と変わらなかった。atropine sulfateは短縮傾向を示したが,B. B. B.非透過性のatropine methyl-bromideも同様の傾向を認めた。Dopamine系:methamphetamineはRR (p<0.1),SM (p<0.05)短縮傾向を認めた。haloperidolはRR,SMとも延長傾向を示した。Serotonin系:5—HTPはRR (p<0.05)短縮,SM (p<0.1)延長傾向を示し,methysergideはRR (p<0.05),SM (p<0.01)とも短縮した。痙攣はphysostigmine (p<0.01),5-HTP (p<0.20)が抑制傾『Uを示した。以上より間接的ではあるが,本モデルにおける昏睡にはdopamine,acetylcholine系ニューロンの抑制,serotonin系ニューロンの賦活が関与する可能性が示唆された。
In order to clearing the influence of neurotrans-mitters in concussive unconsciousness, immediate convulsion and mortality, the following experi-ments were performed.
Awake male mice of dd-strain were restrained and subjected to head injury using a bakelite weight of 30 gm dropped from a height of 20 cm on to the skull. This injury resulted in immediate loss of consciousness in 100%, convulsive seizure in 66% and death in 30% of animals. The severity of consciousness disturbance was evaluated by two parameters ; ( 1 ) time interval required for the recovery of righting reflex (RR) and ( 2 ) time interval for the recovery of spontaneous movement (SM). Agonist or antagonist of various neurotrans-mitters was given intraperitoneally O.5 or 2 hours before injury.
The following results were obtained although some of them were statistically not significant.Physostigmine shortened both RR (p<0. 1) and SM (p<0. 01), whereas scopolamine did not change these intervals. Atropine sulfate shortened both of them. Nevertheless, atropine methylbromide, which dose not pass through blood-brain-barrier, also had same effects. Methamphetamine shortened both RR (p<0. 1) and SM (p<0. 05), whereas haloperidol prolonged these intervals. 5-HTP shortened RR (p<0. 05), but prolonged SM (p< O. 1). Methysergide shortened both RR (p<0. 05) and SM (p <O. 01). Convulsive seizure was supress-ed by physostigmine (p<0. 01) or 5-HTP (p< 0.20).
These results suggested that supression of do-paminergic and cholinergic systems, and/or activa-tion of serotonergic system contribute to concussive unconsciousness.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.