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抄録 ヒト脳腫蕩組織におけるastroprotein (GFAP)およびvimentinの発現様式を検討するため,それぞれに対する特異抗体を用いた免疫組織化学的検索を行った。間葉系腫瘍であるmenigiomaは常にastroprotein (GFAP)陰性,vimentin陽性を示した。良性のastrocytoma cellはastroprotein (GFAP)陽性,vimentin軽度陽性を示したが,anaplastic astrocytomaではastroprotein (GFAP)陽性細胞は減少し,逆にvimentin陽性細胞が増加する傾向が認められた。Glioblastomaではastroprotefn (GFAP)陽性細胞がさらに減少したが,vimentin陽性細胞が優勢の場合,あるいは逆にvimentin陰性細胞が優勢の場合とさまざまであった。すなわち,astrocytoma-glioblastoma系腫瘍では組織学的悪性度の増加に伴いglial filamentにかわりvimentin filamentが主体を占めるようになるが,さらに脱分化が著しくなると中間径filamentの発現そのものが抑制される可能性が示唆された。
Distributions of two different subclasses of in-termediate filaments, vimentin and glial filaments, were studied immunohistochemically in human brain tumors using specific antiserum to each pro-tein subunit, vimentin and astroprotein (GFAP).Surgical specimens (5 meningiomas, 4 ependymo-mas, 5 benign astrocytomas, 5 anaplastic astrocy-tomas and 7 glioblastomas) were fixed in 95% ethanol or ethanol-acidic acid (95 : 5) and embed-ded in paraffin. Avidin biotin peroxidase-complex (ABC) method (Vectastain®) was carried out on 6 micron-thick paraffin sections. All meningioma cells were negative for astroprotein (GFAP) and positive for vimentin. Ependymoma cells showed various patterns of immunoreaction for astropro-tein (GFAP) but were invariably positive for vimentin. In benign astrocytomas, many cells (or cell body and processes) were positive for astro-protein (GFAP). Immunoreaction for vimentin was, however, less frequent and intense. In anaplastic astrocytomas, population of astroprotein (GFAP)-positive cells decreased and vimentin-positive cells increased. Astroprotein (GFAP)-positive cells were further decreased in glioblastomas and the popula-tion of vimentin-positive cells varied among tis-sues. The present study suggests that the anapla-stic change of astrocytoma cells were associated with decreased expression of glial filaments and increased expression of vimentin filaments. It was also suggests that the expression of both interme-diated filaments may be suppressed in highly-malignant glial tumor cells.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.