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抄録 正常圧水頭症(NPH),血管性痴呆(MID)およびBinswanger病との間で臨床診断や病因論的な異同については最近多くの議論がなされている。我々は54歳男性で2度の脳梗塞の既往で左不全片麻痺のある患者で既に昭和56年に頭部CTにて水頭症の可能性があったが,昭和57年5月24日に突然痴呆,歩行障害,尿失禁を主訴として発症した興味ある症例を経験した。この症例を通じて次のような結論を得た。1) NPHによく見られている臨床症状とCT所見はしばしばMIDやBinswanger病のものと類似している。それゆえ,この症例ではNPHをMIDやBinswanger病と区別することは困難であった。我々はこの3疾患を共有する病態を示す患者は多いのではないかと考えている。2)治療として,両側STA-MCA吻合術後のV-P shunt術施行が有効であった。しかし本症例の臨床状態改善のためにSTA-MCA吻合術が必要であったかどうかの問題は残る。3)脳室拡大がある臨界点を越えてはじめてNPHの臨床症状が現われる場合があると考えられる。脳室拡大の評価でHuckman numberが臨床症状(長谷川式簡易痴呆診査スケール)の推移とよく相関していた。
There has been much argument in recent years about the diagnostic and pathogenetic differences between normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) and vascular dementia (Multi-infarct dementia) or Binswanger's disease. We experienced an interest-ing patient, a 54-year-old male, who had left hemiparesis due to two past attacks of cerebral infarction and possible hydrocephalus had been pointed out by CT findings in 1981. He was seen on May 22, 1982, with the chief complaints of dementia, gait disturbance and urinary incontinen-ce. He had the clinical and pathogenetic features, common to NPH and MID or Binswanger's disease.
The followings were observed.
1) These symptoms (dementia, gait disturbance, urinary incontinence) and computed tomographic findings (bilateral ventricular dilatation, perivent-ricular lucency), as is often the case in NPH, are at times similar to those of MID or Binswanger's disease and it is difficult to distinguish NPH from MID or Binswanger's disease. We consider that there are probably many patients who are on the borderline of these three diseases.
2) For treatment, the V-P shunt was very effec-tive in combination with the preceding bilateral STA-MCA shunt but it is not clear whether the preceding STA-MCA shunt was required before the V-P shunt.
3) We believe that the clinical symptoms will not appear until the ventricle is dilated to a cri-tical degree. There was a correlation between the degree of dementia and Huckman number, one of the assessment methods for ventricular dilatation.

Copyright © 1984, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.