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BRAIN TUMORS INDUCED BY HUMAN ADENOVIRUS TYPE 12 INOCULATED INTO FETAL RAT BRAIN Shoji Kobayashi 1 , Katsuo Ogawa 2 1Department of Pathology, Kagawa Medical School 2Department of Pathology, Okayama University Medical School pp.367-371
Published Date 1983/4/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205105
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Human adenovirus type 12 (Ad 12) induces an infantile type of poorly differentiated brain tumor in hamsters, mice and rats when virus fluid isinjected into the newborn.

In this experiment, virus fluid was injected into fetal rat brains and its tumorigenicity in fetal and newborn brains compared. Pregnant rats were anesthesized by pentobarbital sodium on the 17th (group I), 18th (group II) or 19th (group III) day, and 5μl of virus fluid (102.5 TCID50/0.1 ml HeLa cells) was injected into the brain of each fetus with a 30 G hypodermic need-le through the uterine wall. As a control ex-periment, the same dose of virus fluid was in-jected into the newborn brain during the first 24 hours after birth (group IV).

The average latency period for tumor induction in the fetal and newborn groups was from 101 to 114 days. The tumor incidence in groups I, II, and III was 46.2%, 57. 1% and 24. 1% respect-ively, and was 52.7% in the newborn group. Over 65% of the brain tumors in the fetal-injected group appeared in the Nth ventricular area, in contrast to the fact that 46% of the neonatal-injected group appeared in the lateral ventricular area and other tumors were distri-buted in the olfactory, IIIrd ventricular and IVth ventricular areas and in the spinal cord. The tumors that developed in the fetal-injected group were indentical morphologically to these of the neonatal-injected group. All tumors were closely related to the ventricular wall in its origin, and it is interesting that the primary focus of all Nth ventricular tumors was the ventral wall of the ventricle.

It has been proposed that the target cells of Ad 12 are embryonal cell rests in the subepen-dymal layer. This was confirmed by the present experiment. As the tumor incidence in the fetal-injected group was no higher than that of the neonatal-injected group, it is obvious that the target cells are immature in appearence but with some maturation in character. Ad 12 induced brain tumors have some similarities to human medulloblastoma but the most frequent site of development is the opposite side of the ventricle, namely the anterior or posterior vellum.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


