

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


COMPLIANCE OF BRAIN:PART 2 APPROACH FROM THE LOCAL ELASTIC AND VISCOUS MODULI Norio Aoyagi 1 , Hideaki Masuzawa 2 , Keiji Sano 3,4 , Masatomo Kihira 5 , Shigeo Kobayashi 5 1Department of Neurosurgery, University of Tokyo 2Department of Neurosurgery, Kanto Teishin Hospital 3Department of Neurosurgery, University of Tokyo 4Department of Neurosurgery, University of Teikyo 5Department of Aeronautics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo pp.509-516
Published Date 1982/5/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204943
  • Abstract
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It is important to have informations about physical property of the brain in order to elucidate both the physical changes of the morbid brain and the physical mechanism of the traumatic brain injury. Under the hypothesis that reaction of the alive brain to the dynamic load can be compared to the Max-well-Voigt three dementional model, elastic pro-perty of the brain was obtained as the Young's modulus (E:10-2Kgf/cm2) of which error was less than 10%, and viscous property of the brain as the Viscous modulus (η:10-2Kgf・sec/cm2). And it was confirmed that the reactive pressure of the brain to dynamic load came from the surface to about 15 mm depth of the brain. In this report, experi-ments were done on the alive normal brains, the edematous ones and necrotic ones which were pro-duced by the cold injury (dry ice-aceton) in dogs (9.0~16.0 Kg).

In the normal brain, E=3.24±0.25,η=1.10± 0.37 and these moduli were also stable when the physical conditions of the brain were stable. Under the dehydration by 20% mannitol, E increased in its value (p<0.01). But under the hydration by 5% glucose, E did not change at all. In the ed-ematous brain, E=3. 28±0.44,η=1.74±0.06 and E of the edematous brain was almost same as that of normal ones, but under the dehydration, E of the edematous brain decreased (p <0.10), on the other hand it increased in its value under the hydration (p<0.05).

In the necrotic brain, E=1. 60+0. 14, η=0.82± 0.28. Both moduli were of lower values and moreover they did not change its values at all under dehydration and hydration.

As Young's modulus is the elastic index of the brain, the converse (1/E) should be compliance of the brain, that is to say, buffer effect of the brain. As for the compliance, the necrotic brain has maximum buffer effect and the over-hydrated ed-ematous brain and the dehydrated normal ones have minimum buffer effect.

From analysing the changes of the viscous moduli. it became clear that the viscous moduli took quite different functions in alive brains and in fatal ones, and it was suspected that the alive brain might not be so simple in its viscoelastic property.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


