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くも膜下出血に伴う硝子体出血は,1900年Tersonによつて初めて報告され,以後Terson症候群として散発的な報告例6,7,15)はある。しかしまとまつた症例は少なく,今までにFahmy (1972)3〜5),Vanderlinden (1974)14),Shaw (1975)11,12)らの報告があるにすぎなく,また発生機序についても,現在議論の多いところである。
Operative mortality and morbidity for intracere-bral aneurysms has recently reduced with micro-surgical technique, so more functional prognosis such as visual disturbance due to fundal hemor-rhages has been attentioned. Here vitreous hemor-rhage secondary to ruptured cerebral aneurysms (Terson syndrome) was studied.
Three patients had more over 2 hours of uncon-sciousness and one patient experienced repeated ep-isodes of subarachnoid hemorrhage within a week. This suggested rapid increased intracranial pressure resulted in vitreous hemorrhage through the venous congestion, which had been reported by Castren (1963).
All patients became blind because of severe vit-reous hemorrhage. First case was followed over 7 yeras with only conservative therapy, but failed to improve. Another 3 cases regained visual acuity soon after operation.
We emphasized vitreous hemorrhage as an im-portant functional prognostic factor after ruptured intracererebral aneurysms and effective results of vitrectomy was showed.
Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.