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Knowing that, by use of a surgical microscope and a unilateral temporal approach, all of the bi-lateral trunk arteries at the base of the skull indogs can be identified and treated, we succeeded in producing various infarction models by means of simultaneously occluding the vessels in various combinations. These infarction models include: unilateral or bilateral complete cerebral hemisphere infarction models, a unilateral hemispheric and contralateral cerebral mantle infarction model, a unilateral thalamic and contralateral cerebral mantle infarction model, etc. In the anterior thalamic infarction model, the severity of infarction foci can be regulated by the time of vessel occlusion, and chronic experiments achieved. In the otherinfarction models, however, severe edema is seen following recirculation after more than one hour occlusion, making them unsuitable as models for chronic infarction. Nontheless, it is thought that such models have great value as models of brain edema and these various models for cerebral infarction in the dog will prove valuable in clari-fying many of the outstanding problems with regard to the basic science of the cerebral hemi-spheres.
Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.