

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


ON A CASE OF MIRROR WRITING WITH THE RIGHT HAND Kazuo Hadano , Toshihiko Hamanaka , Yoshitaka Ohigashi pp.1155-1160
Published Date 1979/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204499
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A case of multiple brain infarction was reported. The patient showed severe psychic symptomes; mild right hemiparesis; non-fluent aphasia; numerous apraxic symptomes, etc. He was right-handed but tried to write at first with the left hand on account of his right hemiparesis. About a month later after the attack, we examined his ability to write figures from 1 to 9 serially. He could write arabic figures from 1 to 9 correctly with his left hand. After that, he wanted to try the same task with the right hand because the motor disturbance was well improved; he wrote three figures in mirror fashion (4, 5, 6-5 partially) and the rest figures correctly but very clumsy with some remarkable perseverations.

In the previous medical literature we could find at least two adult cases of mirror writing with the right hand : Buchbald (1878) and Heilbronner (1910). Herrmann and Pötzl (1926), who studied the problem of writing direction and refered to Heilbronner's case, presented a hypothesis for a mechanism of this phenomenon by the assumption of two Richtungszentren in both parietal lobes. We reviewed this association-psychological hypo-thesis critically because of the mechanical nature of this hypothesis.

Our case resembled Buchwald's one. Before the appearance of mirror writing with the right hand Buchwald's patient had used only his left hand to write for a half year. Therefore we considered that this phemomenon in our case was an expression of the influence of the preceding normal writing with the left hand; it could be also regarded as a manifestation of the perseverative tendency which was remarkable at that stage in our case.

Finally, the possibility to explain this phenomenon by the automatism of writing and some problems about the mechanism of mirror writing with the right hand were discussed in detail.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


