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In 33 patients with intracerebral hemorrhage who were admitted within 48 hours after the onset, the activity of dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH) in peripheral venous plasma was analyzed applyingthe method described by Nagatsu and Udenfriend (Clin. Chem., 18: 980-983, 1972) with a minor modification. In 26 patients, the plasma samples were serially collected every a few days for about two to four weeks after the onset.
DBH activity on admission was 18.3±10.8 and 24.1±18.2 (mean±S. D.) units/litter of plasma in patients with putaminal (16 subjects, aged 33~73 years) and thalamic (17 subjects, aged 44~74 years) hemorrhage, respectively. There was no significant difference between the activities in samples collected within 48 hours after the onset between both types of hemorrhage. The activities were not also significantly different from the normal mean activity (20.8±11.7 units/litter, 337 subjects, aged 20~69 years).
The activity within 48 hours after the onset showed the highest value throughout the observ-ation. The activity showed a gradual, time-dependent decline for about 14 days in thalamic hemorrhage, and for about 5 days in putaminal hemorrhage.
The larger the size of hematoma in CT, the worse activities of daily living (ADL) which was evaluated a month after the onset, in both of putaminal (r=0.88, p<0.001) and thalamic (r=0.65, p<0.02) hemorrhages. The patterns of time course of plasma DBH activity after the onset revealed relationships with ADL. In mild cases (ADL1~2), the change in activity was small and tended to recover to the initial value obtained within 48 hours after the onset. On the other hand, severe cases (ADL 4) showed a marked and prolonged de-crease of the activity. In moderate cases (ADL 3), the change was similar to either of both groups mentioned above.
These results suggest that, in cerebral hemor-rhage, its size has a large influence on changes in plasma DBH activity rather than its location.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.