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著者らはこれらの報告の大部分が,伝統的な神経路追跡法である変性実験に基づくものである点を考慮し,最近広く利用されているhorseradish peroxidase (HRP)をトレーサーとする手技で20),この問題を解決しようと試みた。
There has been an unsolved question as to whether there are any efferent nerve components in the spinal dorsal roots. Many experimental studies have been done on this subject in attempts to prove or deny the existence of dorsal root efferents. In this study, we investigated this problem in the cat utilizing orthograde as well as retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) through the tran-sected axonal stump. A lumbosacral ventral or dorsal root was identified intradurally in thirty-three cats and the root was sharply severed. The proximal stump of the dorsal or ventral root was bathed in a 20% HRP solution contained in a small rubber bag and the bag was made watertiget with aron-alpha. One or two days later, the animalswere sacrificed by transcardial perfusion of a para-formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde mixture. The next day, the lumbosacral spinal cord was sectioned on a freezing microtome and diaminobenzidine histo-chemistry was performed to visualize HRP reaction products.
1) When the ventral root was bathed, many retrogradely labeled neurons were observed in the somatic motoneuron pools, the cell group X of Onuf, and in the nucleus intermediolateralis inferior, all ipsilaterally to the bathed root.
2) When the dorsal root was bathed, numerous orthogradely labeled primary afferent fibers were identified within the spinal cord. They appearently showed terminal fields in the nucleus proprius and the base of the dorsal horn. Some of them were identified beyond the dorsal horn, particularly in the ventral horn. However, no retrogradely labeled neurons were identified in the spinal cord throughout this series of experiment.
3) As an additional experiment, L7-S2 dorsal and ventral roots were cut in three cats and after four or five days of survival, the spinal cord was fixed and then impregnated by the Fink-Heimer method for degenerating axons. This study revealed es-sentially similar patterns of distribution of primary afferent fibers and their segmental terminal field to cases of dorsal root bathings with HRP.
From the above results, we have concluded that there are no efferent neurons in the lumbosacral spinal cord which give rise to the dorsal root ef-ferents. This implies, in turn, that there are no efferent motor components in the dorsal roots in the lumbosacral cord level in the cat.
Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.