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胃壁に散在する粘膜下神経叢および筋層間神経叢の神経細胞に終止する副交感性節前線維の起始細胞が,迷走神経背側核にあることは1905年Kosaka & Yagita11)がイヌとウサギについて変性実験を行なつて以来多くの報告がある14,20)。
The origins of the vagal preganglionic fibers tothe plexuses of Auerbach and Meissner in thestomach wall have been investigated by the horse-radish peroxidase (HRP) method. HRP was injectedinto nine parts of the gastric wall in fifteen catsand the retrogradely labelled neurons were identifiedwith frozen serial sections.
1) HRP positive neurons were found evenly inboth sides of the dorsal motor nuclei regardless ofinjection sites and there was no evidence of asym-metry in the distribution of HRP positive cells.
2) HRP positive neurons were present through-out the rostrocaudal extent and were principallydistributed in the medial aspect of the dorsal motornucleus, although a few-stippled cells were foundin the lateral portion as well.
3) Below the level of the obex, HRP positiveneurons were also found in the medial solitarynucleus in most cases except for one in which HRPinjection was done along the gastric large curvature.
4) Small labelled neurons were also found in thecentral gray of the upper cervical spinal cord wherethe medial solitary nucleus or the dorsal motornucleus were no longer identifiable.
These results provide evidence that the cells inthe dorsal motor nucleus are donors of the pregan-glionic vagal fibers to the stomach and they appearto have a longitudinal topographic representationin the medial side of the dorsal motor nucleus.
In addition, neurons in the caudal half of themedial solitary nucleus appear to provide anothersource of the vagal preganglionic fibers to thestomach.
The result of this observation shows that thestomach is dually innervated by the dorsal motorand the medial solitary nuclei and that these twonuclei may subserve different roles in maintaininggastric activity.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.