

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


THE PATHOGENESES AND SIGNIFICANCES OF REACTIVE HYPEREMIA, BRAIN SWELLING AND HEMORRHAGIC INFARCTION FOLLOWIN G GRESTORATION OF BLOOD FLOW IN EXPERIMENTAL CEREBRAL INFARCTION Mamoru Taneda 1 , Toru Hayakawa 2 , Yoshikazu Iwata 3 , Toru Gohma 4 1Division of Cerebrovascular Diseases, Hanwa Hospital 2Department of Neurosurgery, the Center for Adult Diseases 3Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka University Medical School 4Department of Neurosurgery, Ehime University Medical School pp.635-644
Published Date 1978/6/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204260
  • Abstract
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The middle cerebral artery of cats was occluded permanently or temporarily (2-24 hours) via transorbital microsurgical approach in cats. And the changes of clinical neurological state, microangio-grams and observation of superficial cerebral microvasculature through a cranial window and its fluorescein angiograms, were studied.

The results obtained lead to the following views and conclusions:

(1) The restoration of blood flow in cerebral infarction may frequently be followed by acute neurological deterioration and death. The cause of such death may be related to acute brain swelling and transtentorial herniation. Hemorrhagic infarc-tion is sometimes found in such cases but may not be the direct cause of death.

(2) Passage of flow in the majority of the vessels might be well maintained even in the territory of the occluded major cerebral artery in acute stage, because the infused microbarium of low viscosity well filled even fine arterioles in the infarcted lesion.

(3) Perfusion pressure of the infarcted lesion might be low, because the medium of higher viscosity could not fill the fine vessels in the infarcted lesion.

(4) Intravascular pressure in the infarcted lesion might increase after recanalization of the occluded artery, because the medium of higher viscosity well entered the vessels in the infarcted lesion after recanalization.

(5) The observation of cortical surface through a cranial window would indicate that cerebral ischemia might diminish in various degree by restoration of flow.

(6) Restoration of flow may cause reactive hyperemia in the previously ischemic area and be followed by extravasation resulting in brain edema. Reactive hyperemia, itself, may also be one of the causes of brain swelling by increasing cerebral blood volume.

(7) Reactive hyperemia might worsen the exsistent brain swelling and edema in cerebral infarction and result in unfavorable clinical courseafter recanalization of the occluded cerebral artery.

Up to date, attention has been paid largely to the hemorrhagic infarction as a direct cause of fatal outcome in recanalized cerebral infarction. The pathogenesis of reactive hyperemia may directly be concerned in production of hemorrhagic infarction; i. e., hemorrhagic infarction may be its drastic manifestation or outcome. Evidence to date,however, would indicate that the most important and fundamental phenomenon as the cause of un-favorable clinical course in recanalized cerebral infarction might be reactive hyperemia resulting in excessive brain swelling, through the manifestation of hemorrhagic infarction accompanied in some of these cases is impressive.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


