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Cytidine diphosphate (CDP) cholineの登場以来,チトクロームC系製剤は,主としてその使用方法の繁雑さから,脳障害治療薬として余り使用されなくなつた。しかしながら,脳循環不全や血流誠少による細胞の低酸素症および二次的脳代謝障害に対して,チトクロームCを体外から補給することは,その薬剤特性よりみて意義のあることである。
The experiment was made on effect of Cardio-crome (containing Cytochrome c, Co-Carboxylase and Flavin mononucleotide), Cytochrome c and Cytidine diphosphate (CDP) choline on the EEG arousal response induced by electrical stimulation of mesencephalic reticular formation in 68 un-anesthetized immobilized cats.
The arousal response was accelerated by intra-venous injection of Cardiocrome, Cytochrome c and CDP-choline. The accelerating effect of Cardio-crome was more prominet than that of Cytochrome c.
In conclusion, it can be drawn that Cardiocrome has an arousal effect on consciousness.
Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.