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第I章 緒言
元来,生物が外界の刺激を受け,それに対して適当な反応をするためには,能率のよい刺激受容器が必要である。そのために発達した感覚系の中で,他の体制知覚系に比し視覚・聴覚系はとりわけ高度の発達をとげたものであり,その知覚はspatial及びtemporal patternに至るまで分化し,受容分析系,積分系の発達と相俟つて,高等動物の神経系の高次活動に於て果す役割は大きい84)111)。
The electroencephalographic responses to a given sound which had the intensities of ra-nges from 70 to 80 phone were observed duri-ng natural sleep and various anesthesia in normal adults and children. The courses and stages of them (5-6 mg/kg of pentobarbital and 4-5mg/kg of Eunal were administered intravensusly, 2cc/kg of 4% chloral hydrate-solution were perrectally and ether were by open drop method) were traced and classified according to the energy-rate of each frequ-ency-bands counted by automatically analy-zed data.
In the most deeply slept and anesthetized, there were no any responses. At the deep stages, k-complex were found when singly and repetitively. stimulated. During the mo-derate depth, there were found of responses having a short electrical silence between a provoked potential and after-discharge in the distinct sense. At the more lightend stage, tne responses loss their after-discharges to the single stimuli and show the diffuse syn-chronized responses which were formed as like as spike and wave complex to 2-4 per second and recruitment to repetitive stimuli of 5-8 per second.

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