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As reported in Part I, we experienced 27 casesof primary pontile hemorrhage. All of them diedand 24 of them (88.9%) were autopsied.
It was told that prognosis of the pontile hemor-rhage was extremely bad and many authors reportedpatients diagnosed as pontile hemorrhage diedwithin several days after onset.
However, we experienced 4 patients who survivedmore than one year. Recently, except this series,we had another patient with small lesion limitedto one side of the pons, who after conservativetreatment for two months showed relatively goodrecovery.
From the macroscopic examinations of the brainwith pontile hemorrhage, we concluded that theinterval of illness chiefly depended on the amountand extension of hematoma, namely in patients,who died several days after onset, hematoma wasevidenced not only in the 4th, 3rd and lateralventricles but also in basal cisterns.
Cleared specimen of the pons revealed abnormalvessels in the boundary of the hematoma andserial sections made from the abnormal vesselsrevealed the original lumen and aneurysmal sacjust adjacent to the vessel.
The wall of the sac showed fibrinoid degenerationwhich extended throughout the adventitia. Peri-vascular red blood cells were observed.
Anatomically and histologically, the etiology ofpontile hemorrhage is considered to be similar tothat of the basal ganglionic hemorrhage which ismost popular in hypertensive intracerebral hemor-rhage.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.