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This 6 year-old female was first noted to havean enlarged and cloverleaf like skull soon afterbirth and then persistent rhinorrhea. Physical ex-amination revealed mental retardation with bubblingphonation and some attention to her surroundings.The throat, lungs, heart and abdomen were un-remarkable.
She could not hold her head or sit up, yet, butno paralysis of the extremities was noted.
The head bulged upward and laterally, resemblinga trilobe of cloverleaf. The elbow joints wereankylotic bilaterally.
The X ray of the skull showed craniolacuniae.No oxygen gas entered into by pneumoencephalo-graphy. Pneumoventriculography revealed markedenlargement of the lateral ventricles, probablepresence of the cavum septi pellucidii, and no gasinto the subarachnoid space.
Carotid angiography showed an unrolling of theanterior and middle cerebral arteries, and downwardcourse of the insular arteries. The sylvian cisternshifted downward and horizontal, and positivetamponade counting in the nostril (rhinorrhea) wasobserved, but no ventricular reflux was revealed incisternal scintigraphy. Therefore, cerebrospinalfluid rhinorrhea was ascertained. Ventricularscintigraphy showed large lateral ventricles, possiblepresence of the cavum septi pellucidii and presistentremaining of the radioisotope, indicating non-communicating hydrocephalus.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.