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Ultrasonic Doppler technique as a diagnostic toolfor internal carotid arterial occlusions has beenintensively studied using the detection of ophthalmicblood flow directions. Nowadays, this technique isadmitted to have clinical usefulness. But the col-lateral flow via ophthalmic artery in internalcarotid arterial occlusions has not been quantit-atively evaluated by ultrasonic Doppler technique.
On 21 completely occluded internal carotid arteriesin 19 patients, the collateral flow via ophthalmicartery was evaluated both by ultrasonic Dopplertechnique on ophthalmic artery (ophthalmic arteryDoppler) and by carotid angiography.
Angiographical findings of the collateral flowthrough ophthalmic artery were graded in threedegrees according to the extent of this collateralflow to middle cerebral artery. It was expressedas "good collateralal" when the branches andstem of middle cerebral artery were filled throughthe ophthalmic collateral flow. "Poor collateral"was expressed in the cases in which only stem ofmiddle cerebral artery was showed. "No collateral"indicated no collateral flow via ophthalmic arteryon angiograms. There were good collateral in 6vessels, poor collateral in 2 vessels and no collateralin 13 vessels.
Using a directional ultrasonic Doppler flowmeter(dual filter method) and a sound spectrograph, theophthalmic blood flow signal was obtained as asound spectrogram (sonagram). In sonagrams, thedistance to the point of maximum blood flowvelocity during the systolic phase from the baseline was expressed as "S" (mm; 12 mm=1 kcycle/sec). The findings of the ophthalmic artery Dop-pler were classified in three types; physiologicalflow type, no flow signal type and reversed flowtype. Moreover, the reversed flow type was gradedin three patterns according to the degree of "S".We defined that a sonagram of S>40 mm was"severe reversed flow pattern", that of 40 mm≧S≧20 mm was "moderate reversed flow pattern"and that of S<20 mm was "poor reversed flowpattern". There were five vessels of severe reversedflow pattern, three vessels of moderate reversedflow pattern and five vessels of poor reversed flowpattern. No flow signal type in four vessels andphysiological flow type in four vessels were alsoexisted.
In five vessels of severe reversed flow pattern,all revealed good collaterals on angiograms. Inthree vessels of moderate reversed flow pattern,two of them were poor collaterals. And in theother thirteen vessels of poor reversed flow pattern,no flow signal type and physiological flow type,all the vessels except for one had no collateralsangiographically.
Therefore, in 21 occluded internal carotidarteries except for two vessels, the findings of theophthalmic artery Doppler well correlated to theangiographical findings. In two non-correlatedvessels, there existed definite causes i. e. the angio-graphical technical factor and the time lag betweenangiography and ultrasonic Doppler examination.
Conclusively, the ophthalmic artery Doppler hasclinical usefulness not only in diagnosis but alsoin semi-quantitative evaluation of the ophthalmiccollateral flow in internal carotid arterial occlusions.
Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.