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EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN TUMORS PRODUCED TRANSPLACENTALLY BY ETHYLNITROSOUREA:A MICROANGIOGRAPHIC STUDY Katsushi Taomoto 1 , Norihiko Tamaki 1 , Satoshi Matsumoto 1 1Department of Neurological Surgery, Kobe University School of Medicine pp.27-35
Published Date 1977/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204000
  • Abstract
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The architecture of the vessels of the experi-mental brain tumors produced transplacentally by Ethylnitrosourea (ENU) in SD-JCL rats was in-vestigated by microangiography, as compared with those of normal rat brains.

In a normal brain, cortical vessels were distri-buted evenly throughout the brain surface and extended into the white matter in parallel. In microangiography at the stage of the microtumor, no remarkable change was found in the blockspecimen of the brain, but very fine abnormal vessels with surrounding poor vascularity could be seen in the white matter of a 2 mm-sliced specimen of the brain.

In the middle sized tumor, extravasations of the contrast media and microaneurysms were found in the center of the tumor. The cortical vessels were disordered, and a part of these vessels increased in number and extended into the tumor region. Ir-regular, spiral, and tortuous was each capillary that was different from the normal vessels in the respect of the course, arrangement, and morphology.

As it was growing, the tumor had many ab-normal vessels occupying the greater part of the hemisphere. In addition, small multifocal extra-vasations of the contrast media was noticed in the tumor, and tumor vessels were very irregular, tortous, dilated, and kinked. Angiomatous changes,reticular formation of the vessels, and glomerular formation of the capillaries, namely the proliferation of the endothelial cells, were also found around the marginal zone of the tumor.

In a large tumor, normal cortical vessels had been lost and the necrosis or pooling of the contrast medium was noticed in the center of the tumor. The vessels around the marginal zone of the tumor were kinking and some of them stretched. The active growth of the tumor was indicated by the marked proliferation of the tumor vessels.

Some changes of the tumor vessels such as small bleeding and slight proliferation of the capillary endothelium were seen in the group of 60Co irra-diation as well as that of combined administration of the Steroids and Bleomycin.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


