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Ethylnitrosourea (ENU)経胎盤投与により作成されるRat実験脳腫瘍の特徴は,光顕による形態学的観察によれば,側脳室上衣下matrix layerにおける細胞構築の変化が,腫瘍発育初期の1つの重要な所見であり,多くのmicrotumorはこの側脳室,上衣下で形成され,白質に進展していくようにみえることであつた47)。
The fine structure of rat gliomas induced trans-placentally with a single i.p. does of 50 mg/kg of Ethylnitrosourea has been studied by using trans-mission and scanning electron microscope.
The subependymal matrix layers of the fetus which was affected by ENU have showed irregular and rough arrangements with expanded extracellular spaces as compared with that of control rats.
The cells of subependymal layer seemed to form the microtumor. A so-called "microtumor", which was found in a 8 week old, has been composed of small round cells. The fine structures of these cells have showed the characteristics in primitive oligo-dendroglioma.
The characteristics of the fine structure of astro-cytoma cells was identified by both TEM and SEM. The fine structure of subependymal glioma cells was often pleomorphic. These gliomas contained a mixture of primitive oligodendrocytes and epen-dymal cells together with anaplastic glial cells. With increasing size, the glioma has become more pleomorphic with a mixture of neoplastic oligo-dendrocytes, astrocytes and ependymal cells, and ependymoma like cells have showed neither cilia nor junctional complex.
Abnormal vascular structure in the tumor has been reconfirmed by injection replica scanning elec-tron microscope method.
The fine structure of the separated single tumor cell surface was also studied by scanning electron microscope. The differences of the cells surface between that of astrocytoma cell and oligodendro-glioma cells were clearly noticed.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.