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頭蓋内の静脈及び静脈洞の血栓症の多くは耳鼻,顔面その他の感染症に続発する感染性(septic, infectious)のものであったが,化学療法の進歩と共に次第に減少し,むしろ種々の原因による非感染性(aseptic, non—infectious)の本症の存在が注目されてきた。これに関する知見は1888年Gowers4)の悪液質患者に続発した静脈洞血栓症の報告をもつて初めとされているが,その後諸家1,2,3,6,12,13,15)により外傷,幼少児先天性疾患,妊娠産褥,悪性血液疾患,糖尿病,脳動脈閉塞症,経口避妊薬使用,脳手術後など種々の原因により発生した頭蓋内静脈及び静脈洞血栓症が記載されている.特にKalbag & Woolf9)(1967)の多くの文献と自験例に基くprimaryaseptic thrombosisに関する研究は見逃すことが出来ない.これらにより頭蓋内静脈系にも身体他部静脈と同様に,種々の原因により容易に血栓症が発生することを知り得るが,ここに原因疾患の全く不明な特発性というべき頭蓋内静脈及び静脈洞血栓症の一群が存在することに注目する必要がある。これについては,Irish7)(1938), Ray & Dunbar14)(1951), Silbermann & Fishman16)(1951), Smith17)(1952), Barnett & Hyland2)(1953), Greitz5)(1966), Krayenbühl11)(1966), Kalbag & Woolf9)(1967),加川・富田・福田8)(1971)らが記載しているが,なかでもKrayenbühlによれば彼の自験例73例中15例,21.1%が原因不明(primary nature)であったという。これらの一群はその臨床像や脳血管写像では感染性の本症と類似しているが,原因疾患は現在のところ全く明らかに出来ず,他疾患との鑑別診断上も極めて重症な疾患である。
Two cases of intracranial venous and sinus thrombosis without demonstrable causative factor in adult male were reported.
Case 1,38 years old male had sudden loss of consciousness with generalized tonic convulsion, and then complained of headache and motor weak-ness of right limbs. Blood examination and other routine examination revealed no abnormal datas. Examination of the CSF showed elevated protein and increased cell count in mild degree. Carotid angiography gave slowing of the circulation, cork-screw like appearance to the venules, occlusion of the superior sagittal sinus and bilateral tributary veins, also drainage to the deep or basal venous channels as well. Craniotomy was performed and thrombosed cortical vein was examined micro-scopically. The wall of vein was thined and the lumen contained partly organized thrombus which were mainly formed by thrombocytes. Any in-flammatory cells were found in venous wall and its lumen or subarachnoid space.
Case 2,23 years old male suffered from severe headache with nausea and vomiting for several weeks. Neurological examination revealed no ab-normalities except moderate papilledema. Exami-nation of the CSF revealed elevation of pressure and protein, but cell count was remained within normal range. Carotid angiography showed oc-clusion of superior sagittal sinus and bilateral tributary veins the same as shown case 1. Micro-scopical findings of the thrombosed cortical vein taken by craniotomy were also similar to case 1.
From these pathological findings of the affected cortical vein were dinied thrombophlebitis but suggested phlebothrombosis-so-called idiopathic intracranial venous and sinus thrombosis of un-known origin.
Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.