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心臓腫瘍の大部分は転移性腫瘍で,心原発性のものは極めて少ない2,16)。myxomaはその50%を占る。約75%は左心房に発生する16)。好発年齢は30〜60代であるが,いずれの年齢でもみられる12)。myxomaの臨床症状としては,心臓の閉塞徴候,全身症状,系統的塞栓などであるが5〜7),脳卒中様症状で初発することもある8〜11)。myxomaに関する本邦の文献は少なく,特に臨床神経学の立場からの報告は見当らない。著者らは初期に心症状を認めずに,脳卒中発作を初発症状として発症し,再発性,多発性脳塞栓を呈して,4年7カ月の経過で死亡したleft atrial myxomaの1例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
A case of left atrial myxoma with repeated mu-ltiple cerebral emboli is reported.
A-44-year-old man first developed a sudden right hemiparesis in October 1969. After intensive phy-sical theraphy, strength improved and he was able to return to his work. In March 1970, he suddenly lost consciousness and remained comatose for a day. Upon waking, he had a profound right hemiparesis, motor aphasia and Gerstmann's syndrome. He was admitted to Hiroshima City Hospital on August 1, 1970. The cardiac examination, including an ele-ctrocardiogram, was entirely normal. Laboratory studies revealed a normal blood count and urinal-ysis; erythrocyte sedimentation rate was elevated (32mm/hour). On a left cerebral angiographic stu-dy, performed on September 6, 1971, multiple an-eurysmal dilatations of the branches of the left mi-ddle cerebral artery were demonstrated. No specific diagnosis was made. In January 1973, he developed dysarthria, dysphagia and quadriplegia because of the reccurent cerebral attacks. He had a high te-mperature continuously for three days and died on-May 30, 1974.
At autopsy a myxoma with the peduncle was attached to the septal wall of left atrium, and the-re were old infarcts in the brain, the myocardium and the kidneys.

Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.