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In our clinic, 1340 cases underwent the sequentialbrain scintigraphy with Tc-99m-pertechnetate andscintillation camera. Intracranial tumors were con-firmed histologically in 329 cases and the locationsite of the tumor was diagnosed by scintigraphy in274 (85%) out of them. There were 40 cases ofposterior fossa tumor in children and 33 cases (83%)had positive results. The present study describesthe clinical usefulness of brain scintigraphy to thediagnosis of posterior fossa tumor in children.
Our diagnostic accuracy (83%) in posterior fossatumors of children was as high as that of supra-tentorial tumors or that of adult cases. Astro-cytomas, medulloblastomas and ependymomas, whichform two-thirds of posterior fossa tumors in child-ren, showed a high rate of positive results. Parti-ularly in these tumors, it is very important forneurosurgeons to differentiate astrocytoma frommedulloblastoma before craniotomy, because themedical treatment and the prognosis are quitedifferent.
In the cases of astrocytoma, 9 out to 10 tumorswere localized on scintigram and their uptakes ofradioisotopes increased with time, in another wordsthe abnormal uptake was most clearly seen at 90minutes after the injection of radioisotope. Inmedulloblastoma, 10 of 12 cases had positive resultsand their uptake almost did not change with time.
In ependymoma, 3 of 4 cases were positively di-agnosed and the highest uptake at 5 minutes afterinjection, was followed by gradual decrease withtime. Accordingly, we have correctly diagnosedtheir histological nature in 14 (67%) of 21 casesof these three kinds of tumors retrospectively onlyfrom the brain scintigram.
It might be concluded that sequential brainscintigraphy is clinically valuable as a screeningtest for the children of brain tumor, suspect evenfor the cases of posterior fossa tumor, and is perhapsuseful as a method for the differentiation of astro-cytoma from medulloblastoma.

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