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近年の交通の発達や産業の著しい発展に伴ない頭部外傷等が急激に増加してきた。一方,最近の外科手術,麻酔学などを主体とした患者管理法の進歩や種々の治療の開発などにより,従来は短期間にほとんど死亡していたような症例が数多く救命されるようになつた。また,Kretchmer14)が報告した"Das apallische Syndrom",またはCairns3)が報告した"akinetic mutism"の概念に含まれるか,それに近いいわゆる植物状態を呈する患者が増加の一途をたどり,社会問題として注目されるようになつた。
7 Patients in a vegetative state were studiedfor regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and cerebralmetabolism. rCBF in such patients was low com-pared to posttraumatic syndrome, and cerebro-vascular resistance (CVR) was high. In thesepatients due to head injuries, rCBF was low andCVR was high in the affected side. There was adifference in the CO2 response of the cerebralvessels among the patients. These findings wereconsidered to be a result of the degeneration ofthe smooth muscle in the cerebral vessels. Dis-autoreguration of the cerebral blood flow was foundin these patients.
The existence of elasticity in the cerebral vesselswas examined by auto-blood pumping therapy inthe internal carotid artery. The patients nothaving laterality when examined neurologicallywere considered to have severe brain damage inthe dominant sphere.

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