

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


EEG OF THE PATIENTS WITH SCHISTOSOMIASIS JAPONICA : STUDIES ON THE CASES OF THE HEPATIC FORM WITH PORTAL HYPERTENSION Masataka Hayashi 1 , Hitoshi Fukuzawa 2 , Toshikimi Honma 3 , Eiji Adachi 3 , Masahiko Iuchi 4 1Department of Neuropsychiatry, Kofu Municipal Hospital 2Department of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, School of Medicine 3Department of Surgery, Kofu Municipal Hospital 4Department of Internal Medicine, Kofu Municipal Hospital pp.611-619
Published Date 1975/6/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406203722
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The types of chronic schistosomiasis japonica were classified as follows ; 1) form with only sub-jective symptom, 2) cerebral form, 3) hepatic form (including the form with portal hypertension).

The authors obtained the following EEG-findings ; slightly abnormal such as diffuse alpha pattern or alpha pattern with random theta waves, remarkably abnormal such as slow wave bursts or epileptic discharges, and also remarkably abnormal such as diffuse slow waves or much theta waves with some delta waves in the cases of the aboveclassified forms respectively.

In this study, on the cases of the hepatic formwith portal hypertension, the authors investigated their electro-clinical correlations between EEGs and several clinical findings of serum γ-globuline and ammonia levels, splenomegaly by liver-spleen scincigram and esophageal varix.

The subjects were 49 patients with the hepatic form of schistosomiasis japonica with portal hyper-tension. On 22 of 49 cases, the follow-up studies were made after splenectomy.

The results were as follows ;

1) Abnormal EEGs were obtained in 29 of 49 cases (59%), borderline in 4 cases (8%) and normal in 16 cases (33%) under resting condition.

2) Most cases of the abnormal EEGs showed 8-9 cps slow alpha rhythm with 6-7 cps random theta waves, diffuse 6-7 cps theta waves withscattered 3 cps delta waves and episodic delta bursts in the fronto-centroparietal areas.

3) The abnormal EEGs had statistically a close relationship to increase in serum γ-globuline levels (P<0. 01) and hyperammonemia (P<0. 01), and had also a relationship to histopathological changes of the liver, i. e. liver cirrhosis or fibrosis diagnosed by a large biopsy (surgical, not needle).

4) The EEGs of the cases after splenectomy re-mained unchanged in spite of the improvement of leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and portal hyper-tension, disappearence of esophageal varix and also decrease of serum ammonia levels.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


