

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A CASE WITH LOCALIZED TEMPORAL LESION AND DIFFUSE GLIOSIS IN THE WHITE MATTER: AN AUTOPSIED CASE OF TEMPORAL EPILEPSY Masao Minagawa 1 , Ikuo Hasue 2 1Department of Psychiatry, Moro Hospital 2Department of Neuropsychiary, Tokyo Medical School pp.601-607
Published Date 1973/5/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406203321
  • Abstract
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A patient, 44 aged weman, was admitted to our hospital. She had two episodes of reccurrent jerk-ing of the left extremities before admission. Visual hallucination, carelessness, stupidity and changes of personality followed upon the second attack. When admitted to hospital she was oriented to time and place, though her affect was flat and her conversation was marked by slight confusion and perseveration. In the hospital her behaviour was characterized by periods of irritability, hostility and aggressiveness. Outburst of rage or aggression was occured on the slightest or no provocation. She snatched the things from doctors and nurses, spat on us and, without any motivation, strungled the neck of a neighboring patient. Her personality was, further, characterized by childishness, shamels-sness and carelessness.

A general convulsion was observed and was followed by prolonged confusional state. Sub-cequently, the apracto-agnostic symptomes were observed.

Two months after admittion she was discharged from our hospital and staied at home. Three weeks later she suddenly died following a general convul-sion.

An autopsy of the brain, weighed 1150g, revealed the localized cortical softening at the convexity of left tempiral lobe. In the rest of cortex the layers were generally well preserved but the ischemic changes of the nerve cells were diffusely observed. In the white matter there was no re-markable demyelination but, on Holzer stain, the diffuse gliosis was apparently disclosed. Dilatation of the capillaries and of the perivascular spaces with loosening of surrounding tissue and diapedetic haemorrages were visible in gray and white matter. In the cerebellum Purkynje cells and granular cells were moderatly desintegrated.

Discussion was carried out about the relation of the psychiatric symptomes and the histopatho-logical changes of the brain.

Copyright © 1973, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


