

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


EFFECT OF FLUPHENAZINE ENANTHATE IN THE RESTORATION OF CONTACT:STUDY OF PSYCHOPHARMACOTHERAPY IN CHRONIC SCHIZOPHRENIA IN THE COURSE OF MILIEU THERAPY Sadanobu Ushijima 1,2 , Tatsumi Inuzuka 1 , Kiichiro Kabachi 1 , Sadaumi Inuo 1 , Takeshi Samejima 1 1National Hizen Sanatorium pp.103-109
Published Date 1973/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406203265
  • Abstract
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We examined the effect of Fluphenazine Enan-thate in schizophrenic patients in the course of milieu therapy. The number of patients who were given this drug was 33 cases. 8 cases of these were in acute state, and 25, in chronic deteriorated state. Each patient was given 1 or 2 vials of Fluphenazine Enanthate weekly or fortnightly.

The result was as follows : 6 of 8 acute cases were excellent or good and 13 of 25 chronic cases, good. This shows the high potency of Fluphena-zinc Enanthate. Initial manifestation of efficacy was in two to four days. The characteristic of this drug was excellent effect in patient's recovery of contact with therapist. Effect in drug refusal pa-tients, which has been emphasized, was thought due to this fact.

According to the results of the rating scale, therestoration of contact seems to be due to anti-anxietyand-delusional effects particulary in acute cases, aswell as activating effect on emotional disturbancein chronic cases.

Considering effect for contact, we should bear inmind the side-effect and how to treat it. That is,its therapeutic consideration is very important.

Copyright © 1973, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


