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25 years. Housewife. First pregnancy.
Couple of weeks before the delivery day, she had slight oedema on the legs and headache, but one week later she had nothing. Just one week before the term she had again headache and slight hyper-tension. So she was admitted in the hospital on the term. Six days later after admission she had heavy headache and vomitting, and next day she had consciousness disturvance. One day after the attack she got Kaizer operation, but her consciousnss was still going deeper. In one week later her consciousness getting better gradually. She had right hemiplegia echosymptome, right-left distur-bance, alexia, agnosia and apraxia.
On the first carotic angiography, the venous phase was late even after six second later could not get was late even after six second later could not get well, and ten second later still the superior sagital sinus was not seen well. Three weeks later had second angiography. At that time got remarkable change of venous circulation and found colateral circulation of superior sagital sinus.
Copyright © 1972, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.