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A patient, 41 year-old female, with chief complaitsof oscillopsia on rotating head to the right, unsteady gait, right tinnitus and fainting attacks was examined. Etiology was considered to be due to coiling of the right vertebral artery which became more marked on rotating head. With scalenotomy, freeing and straightening of the coiled segment of the artery was accomplished with wrapping a prothesis of a devided Teflon tube around the coiled segment. Measurement of blood flow through the vertebral artery was also done utilizing probes of the square wave electromagnetic flowmeter. The probe had a narrow slit of 1-2 mm in width. Through the slit, the vertebral artery was repeatedly passed into the probe. It was thought, in retrospect, this procedure was a cause of the post-operative thrombosis. Post-operatively, no oscillopsia, no unsteady gait, no tin-nitus was noted on rotating head until 9 clays post-op, when, fainting attack and right hemiparesis developed suddenly. Emergency vertebral angiogramthrough the brachial artery showed irregular nar-rowing of the straightened segment of the artery which indicated fairly extensive mural thrombosis. Thrombolytic therapy was instituted 5 hours after the onset with intravenous infusion of Urokinase (10,000 units) in 1000 cc of low melecular dextran. Anticoagulant therapy with Warfarin Potassium was started at the same time. This combined therapy was intended by this author with a purpose to prevent new formation of microembolism in the brain stem or cerebellum delivered from resolving mural throm-bosis.
The patint responded well and angiogram taken at 8, 22 clays, 3 months after the onset showed gradual but complete disappearance of the mural thrombus. With follow-up of 3 months, the patient showed no recurrence of symptoms without neuro-logical deficit.

Copyright © 1970, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.