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A 55-year-old man complained of pain of his left arm in May 1966. Four months later, he was ad-mitted to the Kyushu University Hospital because of progressing pain of left arm, weakness of left limbs and sensory impairment of right lower limb. On ninth hospital day surgical treatment was done under the diagnosis of cervical cord tumor. Hard whitish tumor, 1 cm in diameter, was excised, which was histologically meningeal sarcoma. After this operation, quadriplegia, urinary incontinence and ter-minally unconsciousness were observed. He expired after eight months' duration of his illness and was autopsized.
Macroscopically, leptomeninges of spinal cord, brain stem, base of cerebellum and chiasm were dif-fusely thick and whitish in color. Several nodules as large as peas were detected at leptomeninges of cauda equina and right cerebellopontine angle. Sec-tioning of cerebellum, medulla oblongata and each level of spinal cord revealed irregularly invading tumorous mass from the leptomeninges into these sub-stances. Microscopically, tumor cells were polygonal in shape and each had a large clear nucleus with prominent nucleolus. Reticulin fibers much increased among the tumor cells.
From the above mentioned findings, this case was diagnosed as reticulum cell sarcoma originating from reticuloendothelial system of leptomeninges. And it was emphasized that reticulum cell sarcoma diffusely involving the leptomeninges was very rare in the literature.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.