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APPLICATION OF ULTRASONIC MEASUREMENT OF THICKNESS IN THE CONTINUAL OBSERVATION OF NEUROSURGICAL INTRACRANIAL DISORDERS Masuhisa OKA 1 , Ichiro FUJITA 1 , Toshiya NISHII 1 , Emiko SOMA 1 , Hiroshi AOYAMA 1 , Hiroyuki TANAKA 1 , Takuhei KIDO 1 , Takeo SAKURAI 1 , Toni HAMADA 1 , Akiko OSAKI 1 1First Department of Surgery, Wakayama Medical College pp.469-477
Published Date 1968/5/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202376
  • Abstract
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The ultrasonic diagnosis is widely used as a quali-tative method in the field of neurosurgery and medi-cine because of its potentiality to detect intracranial masses in their shape, size and location following differences of their sonic impedance. In respect to this potentiality it should be used as a quantitative diagnostic method which indicates the thickness of masses in living bodies.

The accuracy of the measured thickness of masses is examined by measuring the width of gaps in agar and lateral ventricles in fixed brains. The difference between values ultrasonically measured and those directly measured is within ±0.1~±0.2cm.

Continual clinical observations are performed on chronic subdural hematomata, congenital hydrocepha-lus and brain tumors before and after operations. For chronic subdural hematomata their thickness are measured by ultrasonic echoes of silver clips fixed on the bottom of hematomata as well as on the dura.The relapses after the subdural evacuation are easily detectable when the enlarging thickness of hem-atomata is observed.

Congenital hydrocephalus is observed with the continued ultrasonic measurement of the width of enlarged lateral ventricles, as the method is more exact, safer and simpler than the pneumoventricu-lography which is prohibited after the ventriculo-auriculostomy.

Brain tumors are subjected to the ultrasonic mea-surement in changes of their sizes if they are su-pratentorial, i. e., hypophyseal tumor, pinealoma and meningioma and others, whereas infratentorial tumors can be observed easily on the gradually enlarged third ventricles by their development and on the controverse phenomena after the tumor extirpation.

Ultrasonic measurement by A-scope method here described is a proper diagnostic tool of neurosurgery as well as a good inspecting method of gradual changes of intracranial disorders.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


