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STUDIES ON NEURAL MECHANISNS OF THE TENDON JERK Toshio YAMAUCHI 1 1Dept. of Physiology, Hokkaido Univ., School of Medicine pp.1117-1125
Published Date 1967/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202307
  • Abstract
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Neural mechanisms of the Achilles tendon jerk were analyzed in 65 normal adult cats.

Reflex responses in the ventral root and afferent volleys in the dorsal root following an Achilles ten-don tap, or a single electrical stimulation of the gastrocnemius nerve were picked up and compared with each other.

1) Following the tendon tap, afferent volleys of dis-tinctly longer duration (7~12 msec, about 0.5 mV) than those of the electrical stimulation (1~2 msec, about 2.0mV) were observed in the dorsal root. It was found that 90.7% of unit afferent discharges composing the afferent volleys belong to those of group Ia fibers from muscle spindles and that they are widely distributed (asynchronous) in the afferent volleys.

2) Reflex responses in the ventral root following the tendon tap were of more complex patterns than those by the electrical stimulation, showing an early response of relatively short duration (1~3 msec, 0.2~0.7 mV) followed by late, irregular ones with long duration (5~10 msec, 0.2~0.5mV).

Resultant from analysis of these responses, all the unit discharges in the early response examined were supposed to be monosynaptic reflex ones, whereas unit discharges of 55.0% those in the late responses were monosynaptic ones and the remainly 45.0% belonged to polysynaptic ones.

3) As to the effect of various kinos of stimulations upon the reflex responses in the ventral root re-spectively following the tendon tap and the electrical stimulation, the former was more susceptible than the later.

4) Difference between the latency of the afferent volley in the dorsal root and that of the reflex re-sponse in the ventral root (the spinal delay) follow-ing tendon tap was approximately 2 msec longer than that of electrical stimulation.

Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


