

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A CASE OF SPINAL CORD GLIOBLASTOMA Yuji MIYAZAKI 1 , Toyoaki CHIBA 1 , Ikuro TAKADA 1 , Miyo EZOE 2 , Hirofumi YAMAMOTO 2 1Dept. of Neurosurgery, Sapporo Medical College & Hospital 2Dept. of Pathology, Sapporo Medical College & Hospital pp.511-516
Published Date 1967/5/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202215
  • Abstract
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Since the first description dy Gowers and Hors-ley (1887) on the surgical treatment of spinal cord tumor, many articles had been published. However the report on the spinal cord glioma (except epen-dymoma) are very few until present time and par-ticularly, glioblastoma is very rare.

The authors had reported a case of spinal cord glioblastoma.

The patient is 23 years old man and his history had started two months prior to admission with severe lumbago, following disturbance of urination and gait disturbance. He had admitted in our clinic because of complete flaccid palsy and sensory dis-turbance of lower limbs.

The myelography done by cisteral puncture after admission revealed complete occlusion in tenth thoracic vertebral level. The diagnosis of intrame-dullary tumor had made by operation. The operation had limited in palliative external decompression by mean of transplantation of fascia graft.

The patient's general condition had become wor-se and expired 68 days after operation.

The postmorten examination had made and detail serial histological examination of whole central ner-vous system had done. The tumor was glioblasto-ma microscopically and occupied from 3rd thoracic segment to 1st lumbal segment.

Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


