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SOME REFERENCES TO 3 CASES WITH ABNORMAL VASCULAR NETWORK IN THE CEREBRAL BASAL REGION Toru ITO 1 , Hirokazu Kubo 1 , Michio KAWAMOTO 2 1The 2nd Division of Internal Medicine. Nihon Medical College, 1st Hospital 2The 2nd Division of Internal Medicine, Tokyu Hospital pp.37-43
Published Date 1967/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202160
  • Abstract
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The clinical cases with abnormal vascular network in the cerebral basal region have increased in number, recently, in Japan.

According our investigations, 48 cases, including our 3 cases have been reported up-to-date.

However, the real causes of these disease are still unknown.

Concerning about the causes of this unknown dis-ease, we have some theoretical ideas to explain of,

1) vascular malformation theory, 2) collateral cir-culation theory, 3) cerebral teleangiectasia theory, 4,) obstractive disease of circle Willis.

We reported 3 cases in this paper, 19 & 26 years old male patients and 39 years old female patient.

Characteristic findings of cerebral angiograms in these patients are 1) obstractive changes in anterior or middle cerebral arteries, frequently in both arteries and 2) appearence of abnormal vascular network in the cerebral basal region.

At the same time, they have some neurological symptoms : paralysis, paresis, headache, convulsion, speech difficulties, involuntary movement, dizziness, tinnitus and so on.

We tried to make some references to these undefi-nite disease to clarify the true causes.

Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


