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しかしながら,このような像は,腫瘍16),放射線照射5),動脈硬化症6),Von Recklinghausen氏病5,11)などにおいても見られることが報告されており,脳血管撮影上の疾患群の中に,果して独立したClinico-pathologicalentityが存在するのかどうかという疑問は,依然として解明されていない。
Cranial computed tomography (CT) was carriedout in 7 cases which each cerebral angiogramshowed"Moya moya"vascular network in base ofbrain associated with intracranial arterial occlusion.CT and angiography were performed at same timeexcept one case without neurological deficit.Arbitararily we devided these cases into two groups;In one group, the possibility of intracranial arterialocclusion was anticipated because there were somerelating lesions such as neurofibromatosis and extra-cranial arterial occlusion with various etiology. Inthe other, such causal or related lesion was un-known.
However, define difference between two groupscould not be seen on CT except for formation ofangiographic transdural cortical anastomosis inlatter group; that is, CT in each group showedmultiple low density areas and localized wideningof cortical sulci suggesting ischemic brain lesion.
"Moya moya"vascular network was thought tohave some functions as collateral pathway becausethere were antegrade filling of some corticalbranches through it and little ischemic lesions inbasal ganglia on CT.
From the view point of correlation of angio-graphic collateral pattern and ischemic brain lesionon CT, next conclusions were obtained; Therewere little ischemic lesions in the region formingrich leptomeningeal anastomosis, while there weremore extensive ischemic lesions in the region de-pendent on mainly"Moya moya"vascular networkand/or transdural cortical anastomosis.
Therefore, latter two collateral pathways couldnot effectively replace leptomeningeal anastomosiswhen its parent artery might be occluded andocclusion of circle of Willis more widespread.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.