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中枢神経系の奇形腫はかなりまれなものであり,Zul—ch61)によると,かれらの頭蓋内腫瘍6,000例中14例すなわち0.2%,Bailey-Cushing (1935)の2,033例中0.2%,Olivecrona (1955)の5,250例中0.3%という数字が上げられている。東大脳神経外科の統計83)では,2,000例中9例と報告されている。発生部位は,身体他部における発生と同様中心線上にできることが多く,Weber(1939)54)によれば,71例中松果体部32,視束交叉部12,脊髄11,側脳室4となつており,他の文献例60)91)においても松果体部,および間脳下垂体部に発生することがもつとも多いようである。
1) Two cases, 7-year-old boy and 21-year-old male, with primary malignant teratoma of the brain are presented.
Clinically precocious puberty was observed in the former case, and marked emaciation due to the hy-pothalamico-hypophysial hypofunction in the latter case.
2) Referring to the literatures, in some of the primary malignant teratomas of the brain associated with precocious puberty, it is considered that the tumor cells themselves produce plenty of chorionic gonado-tropin.
Those hormonal findings appear to be different from those of the constitutional or essential precocious puberty, so it was postulated that precocious puberty due to some of the intracranial malignant teratomas should be separated from the essential precocious puberty.
3) Cardiac disturbances including sinus arhythmia, ST changes and A-V block were observed in the both cases.
The relation of the cause of those phenomena to the central nervous system was discussed.
4) Marked hyperplasia of the bronchial basal cells was verified in the first case, which was possibly due to massive steroid therapy.
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