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1) 症例全体を通じてみた場合,著効8例,有効5例,軽効1例,不変3例であつた。
2) 発作型別にみると,小発作の3型すべてに有効であり,その他,皮質焦点性発作,自律神経性発作にも著効例を認めた。なお,精神運動発作では1例に悪化を認めた。
3) 精神症状については4例の改善,1例の悪化が認められた。
4) 副作用としては,悪心,動作緩慢,頭痛,ねむけ,食思不振,めまいが認められたが,重篤なものではなかつた。
5) 小発作を主体とするものであれば,難治性てんかんに対してもきわめて有効な薬剤であると考えられる。
Zarontin (a-Ethyl-a-methyl-succinimide, Ethos-uximide) was given in seventeen cases of therapy-resistantepilepsy which consist of petit mal seizure. This experiment has resulted in the production of the effects of the drug in 76 % of all the cases. They were eight cases in which seizure had disappeared and five cases in which more than 50 % of the rate of effectiveness had been obtained. In regard with the type of seizure, the effects have been produced in all cases of what Lennox called petit mal triad which consists of absence, myoclonic and astatic seizure. Because of no experiment done by the single administeration, there may be disagreeable points in the effect-check, but any exacerbating cases have not been found in such a type of seizure as generalized, focal or autonomic seizure. The improvement of psychic symptoms as a whole has been noted in four cases, and on the other hand, schizophrenia like symptoms such as delusion have appeared transitorily in one case. In regard with the side-effects, nausea, slowness of behavior, headache, drowsiness, anorexia and dizziness have manifested but all of them have not developed to a severe degree. This drug has produced the rather excellent effects in all types of petit mal seizure and even therapy-resistant myoclonic seizure. This drug has been confirmed as an anti-convulsant which gives rise to high effectiveness in clinical fields.

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