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A patient, 29-year-old man, was transported to the neurosurgical department of the University of Tokyo Hospital in stupor soon after an automobile accident on Sept. 7, 1963. On admission, the neurological and echo-encephalographical examination revealed no intracranial hematoma.
Since then the patient had been getting well day by day for 3 weeks, when he complained severe headache and his body temperature was elevated abruptly. Large subdural hematoma was found on the right side by cerebral angiography which was removed surgically.
In a cource of the operation, a small aneurysm, a peanut in size, was found in the subdural space at the rolandic artery which was the origin of the bleeding.
The aneurysm was removed.
The patient was discharged with slight neurological disability on November 25.
Clinico-pathological findings of the hematoma and the aneurysm suggested that the hematoma was attri-buted not to immediate rupture of the aneurysm by the trauma, but to the secondary bleeding from the aneurysm during convalescence.

Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.