

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE PULSELESS DISEASE:With special reference to the prognosis and the follow up results of surgical treatment Tadashi AIBA 1 1Dept. of Neurosurgery, Facvlty of Med. Univ. of Tokyo pp.889-905
Published Date 1964/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406201727
  • Abstract
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Among various forms of carotid occlusions and aortic arch syndromes, the pulseless dssease is a peculiar entity. Pathology lies essentially in the aortic arch with its branches and the pulmonary arteries. Histologically this is panarteritis with giant cell granulomas. Thrombosis begins in very charac-teristic sites, namely in a portion of both subclavian arteries distal to the vertebral ramification and in the distal part of both common carotid arteries just proximal to the bifurcation.

This disease usually affects young females, 58 out of 60 hospitalized cases being females in this series. The age of onset of symptoms ranges from 8 to 40 years, most predominantly from 11 to 25 years (55 % of the cases). The slow obliteration of main trunks arising from the aortic arch produces a chronic ischemia of the head and upper extremities. This obliteration manifests itself clinically by the follow-ing symptoms and signs: (1) no radial pulsation (100%), (2) symptoms and signs referable to the hyperactive carotid sinus reflex (88%), (3) hypoten-sive ophthalmoangiopathia including hyperemia of the bulbar conjunctiva (70%), new growth and anasto-mosis of the retinal vessels (63%), (4) cerebral symptoms and signs varied from apoplectic at onset to episodic or minor complaints (100%).

In the pulseless disease, arteriography is indicated in all cases and arteriographic visualization of all vessels is necessary because of the high incidence of multiple and diffuse involvement. Total brachioce-Oahe arteriography which consists of aortography via transfemoral route and retrograde brachial arterio-graphy has been performed on more than 20 patients out of the recent cases during the past 2 years. In this study characteristic angiographical pattern of the vascular lesion and collateral pathways not previously known or appreciated in this disease were demon-strated and evaluated.

Various kinds of medication including anticoagul-ants, vasodilatatory drugs and steroids have been tried. In order to relieve carotid sinus syndrome and to re-establish blood supply to the brain, denerva-tion of the carotid sinus (adventitiectomy and removal of the carotid body) and thrombectomy or thromboendoarterectomy were performed. In a few cases, internal-external carotid anastomosis, resection of the carotid and vein or arterial grafts, and bypass graft were tried.

The follow up results of these operations in 2.5 to 15 years are rather poor, as far as the re-establish-ment of the cerebral blood supply is concerned. Good or fair results are obtained in only about one-third of the cases. As for the syncopal attacks, however, bilateral denervation is very effective and all of the cases operated on are relieved from syncopal and vertigo attacks.

Out of 47 operative cases, 30 are still alive, the survival being from 2 years 6 months to 15 years and out of these 30 cases, 26 are spending useful lives. Up to date 12 cases are dead, two of which are operative death. Four out of remaining ten cases died of cerbrovascular insufficiency and the others incidental, (probably) complications such as pulmonary tuberculosis.

These results will be and should be improved with advancement in vascular surgery. There will also be hope for medication therapy, if we can elucidate the pathogenesis and the true nature of the disease.

Copyright © 1964, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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