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3)壮年健康人における測定値は47.8±4.3m/sec(N=14)であり,危険率1%で左右差なく,既報の尺骨神経伝速の健常値63.6±6.0m/sec (N=54)にくらべ明かに低値であつた。分布範囲は40.9〜57.4m/secであつた。
Measurement was made of the maximum impulse conduction velocity in motor fibers of the human tibial nerve (more precisely to say, the motor fibers which innervate the flexor digitorum brevis muscle through the medial plantar nerve) by giving electrical shocks to the nerve percutaneously at the popliteal and ankle joint regions and by deriving evoked potentials from the central region of the sole. The threshold against stimulation was considerably higher than in the case of stimulating the ulnar nerve. The M wave was biphasic and the F wave was very small in most cases. The H wave was never observed.
The condcction velocity in 14 tibial nerves in 8 normal subjects distributed from 40.9 to 57.4 m/sec with a mean of 47.8 and a standard deviation of ±4.3 There was no significant difference between conduction velocities on the both sides, and the mean was considerably smaller than that of the conduction velocities in normal ulnar nerves on which we reported previously. No extreme abnormality was encountered in any individual value of the con-duction velocities in bilateral tibial nerves in 27 patients with peripheral monoplegia, sequelae of acute anterior poliomyelitis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, syringomyelia, Jacksonian epilepsy, hemiplegia, pro-gressive muscular dystrophy, diabetes mellitus, chronic nephritis, hyperthyroidism, chronic entero-colitis, gastric cancer, hypoplastic anemia, obesity, liver cirrhosis etc. On statistical calculation, the conduction velocity was significantly slower than normal in diabetes mellitus and chronic nephritis, but it was normal in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, hemiplegia, hyperthyroldism and chronic enterocolitis.

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