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脳波の周波数分析はGrass & Gibbs (1938)1)やWalter (1943)2)3)をはじめとする自働分析装置の発見によつて推進され,現在では性能の高い分析器が広く用いられるにいたつている。装置そのものにもなお種々の問題が存在しているが4)5),これによつて各周波数要素間の数量的な比較が可能となり,脳波の研究の上に新しい展開がみられることは疑いをいれない。
本邦においても脳波分析に関する問題はしばしばとりあげられ6)〜10),またLos Angelesで行なわれた脳波分析に関するコンファレンス(1961)のなかでBrazier11)は脳波分析についての簡潔な歴史的展望をおこなつている。
EEGs of 105 cases of adult epilepsy aged 20 to 39 years and 40 cases of normal controls within same range of age were selected to be analysed by auto-matic frequency analyser. EEG recording was per-formed by monopolar one from left frontal, temporal, central, parietal and occipital areas. The filtered band waves of our analyser are δ(2-4c/s), θ1(4-6c/s), θ2(6-8c/s), α1(8-10c/s), α2(10-13c/s), β1(13-20c/s) and β2(20-30c/s). The results were as fol-lows:
1) Of the patterns of frequency spectrum, the standard type was frequently seen in control and the types which show the increase of slow components was characteristic in epilepsy. Bi-peaks and nonpeak type were also seen more in epilepsy.
2) Peak frequency in α1 band was shown in 84.6%-92.5% of control and in 66.2%-77.2% of epilepsy. In epilepsy,θ1 and θ2 band-peak were also seen.
3) The values of energy % of α1 and α2 bands were higher in control throughout all areas and, on the contrary, those of δ, θ1 and β2 bands were higher in epilepsy. But, there was no constant difference between them β1 and β2 bands. The variation of value of energy % was larger in epilepsy than in control. As to the cortical distribution of each frequency components there was same tendency be-tween control and epilepsy.
4) Of voltage level, the values of summation of absolute voltage of all bands were higher in about 25% in temporal and 15% in other areas of epilepsy than of control.
5) Variability coefficient in occipital area between control and epilepsy was most impressionable in and bands; namely, the former was high in control and the latter was high in epilepsy.

Copyright © 1964, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.