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2)年令との関係では,対象の年令を脳波発達の段階によつてI (0-1歳),II (2-5歳),III (6-13歳),IV (14-19歳),V (20歳以上)の5段階に分けてみると,S1がIV,V期においてもかなり多くみられ,また,S2がIII期以降,S3がII-IV期においてもみられるなど基礎律動の徐波傾向が明らかにされた。Fは成人のてんかんに,Mは年令とは関係なしにみられた。
Four hundred cases of epilepsy were select-ed and the relation between age or clincal findings and basic pattern of EEG in resting record were studied. The results were as follows:
1) The basic patterns were classified in six types as alpha dominant (A), slightly slow (S1), moderately slow (S2), very slow (S3), fast dominant (F) and mixed or unclas-sified (M) pattern. These patterns were res-pectively seen in 23.0%, 30.5%, 24.5%, 7.5 %, 4.7% and 9.7% of total cases.
2) In the relation between basic patterns and age development the tendency of abnor-mal slowing of basic pattern in epilepsy was shown. Namely, S1 were still seen in the ages of 14-19years or after 20 years and even S2 were seen after 6 years. Very abnormal slow S3 were also widely seen in 2-19 years. F pattern were mainly seen in adult epilepsy, but mixed pattern had no relation with the age distribution.
3) In the relation to clinical findings A pat-tern had relatively few anameses of brain damage (Ca. 40% and S2 or S3 pattern. conversely, had more anamneses (ca. 70%). In S1 or M pattern cryptogenic and symptomatic cases were almost equally seen. The clinical seizures were more frequent in S2 and S3 than in A or S1 pattern. There was no relation between basic patterns and clinical seizure types.
4) The maturation of basic pattern in epi-lepsy was clearly influenced by the existence of brain damage. In those cases with severe brain damages, abnormal slow background ac-tivity (S2,S3) was more frequently observed even in the advanced ages than in the cases without them.
5) The abnormality of basic pattern iunepi-lepsy wasrecognized from the view of the disturbances of maturation or organization of EEG development in one side and from that of manifestation of brain damage in the other side.
Copyright © 1964, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.