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最近10数年来組織化学の技術は長足の進歩をとげたので,これを脳組織に応用し,脳の各層,核における物質の分布の差より化学構築(Chemoarchitectonics)(Scharrer)62)なる概念を導入し,脳機能の解明を志す一群の研究者がみられるようになつた(Friede25), Ortmann56),冲中80)等)。これらの研究は光学顕微鏡的組織化学によつたものであるが,さらに組織,細胞単位の微量分析(Pope57), Lowery50), Hydén40)等),分画法と電子顕微鏡との併用による超微構造の組織化学(De Robertis21), Whittaker30)83)等)が脳の構造と機能について重要かつ精細な知見を提供しつつある。われわれもこの10年間糖代謝および化学伝達物質の代謝に関連した脳の組織化学に従事してき,また最近組織化学の電顕レベルへの応用を試みている。
Histochemical studies of the mammalian brain have been made with reference to me-tabolism of carbohydrate and chemical trans-mitters. Main results obtained are as follows:
1) Large amounts of relatively stable gly-cogen are demonstrated in the paraventricu-lar structures (area postrema, supraoptic crest and subfornical organ) and hypothala-mus.
2) Although these regions exhibit a weak activity of succinic dehydrogenase and cyto-chrome oxidase, they give marked activity of lactic and glucose-6-phosphate dehydroge-nase.
3) Strong activity of monoamine oxidase is shown in the paraventricular structures and autonomic regions of the brain, moderate one being in the limbic system.
4) Electron histochemical studies of mo-noamine oxidase show that this enzyme is located in the lysosomal dense body of the nerve cell bodies and neuropil. Acetylcholine-sterase is demonstrated in the endoplasmic reticulum of nerve cell bodies and in the pre-and postsynaptic membrane of the synapses.
5) Granulated vesicles can be found in large numbers within the synaptic terminals in the hypothalamus and paraventricular structures but hardly found in the striatum.
6) Radioautographic studies show that la-beled 5-hydroxytryptphan and serotonin are mainly incorporated within the neuropil, and sparsely within the nerve cell bodies.

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