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著者の一人福代1)はかつて,角化母斑のなかで特異な組織病変を示すものを詳しく研究し,これを角化母斑の特異型と称した.その組織病変の特徴は表皮細胞の空胞性変化,細胞質の粗状化と線維状化,およびケラトヒアリン顆粒の粗大化の三つの変化である.これらの中で,細胞質の粒状化と線維状化はGammel2)のいう好酸性変性(eosinophilic degqleralion),またLapiere3)のいう顆粒変性(degenerescence granuleuse)に相当する.
他方,上述と同様な組織病変は先天性魚鱗癬様紅皮症(erythrodermia ichthyosiformis congenita,Brocq4))の水疱型3)および先天性掌蹠角化腫のある型5)においても主病変をなすことが知られており,また最近は,孤立性疣状皮疹6)や他の疾患7)の偶発変化としても同じような組織病変が見出されている.そのため,これらのものと角化母斑の特異型との関係についていろいろ論議されている.しかし,特異な組織病変の本態についての詳しい研究8,9)はまだ少ない.
Eight cases of atypical epidermal nevus in the department of dermatology, Kanazawa University were reported.
The findings of the histologic specimens from the eight cases were the same-marked hyperkeratosis, vacuolating and granular degeneration of epidermal cells, and intracellular edema. Electron microscopic findings in one case revealed that the granular degeneration was clue to disturbed formation of the tonotilaments and their bundles and that the coarse keratohyaline granules were clue to disturbed formation of the tonofilament bundles. New electron microscopic findings on the horny layer were also proved in this case. These abnormal findings on the horny layer seemed to be controlled by the periodical changes of the epidermis.
Relationships among this disease, ichthyosis congenita and isolated epidermolytic acanthoma were discussed.
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