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Sensory impulses arc modified at the level of the sensory end organs and at synaptic junc-tions in the relay nuclei by neural activities of various parts in the central nervous syst-em. Cortical regulation of impulse transmis-sion in the ventrotrobasal complex (VB) of the thalamus and thalamic control of afferent discharges from the muscle spindles were ana-lysed in cats with reference to the pyramidal and extrapyramidal functions.
1. VB neurons were not only antidromic-ally but trans-synaptically excited by single shocks to a restricted area of the postcruciate cortex. Some were also excited by "antidro-mic" stimulation of the ipsilatieral pyramid at the ponto-medullary border. This pyramidal stimulation produced only small antidromic cortical responses ( "a" and "beta") in the post-cruciate gyrus, without orthodromic poten-tials due to excitation of the lemniscal fibers. When the cortex adjacent to this small area which excited the VB neuron, was stimulated prior to the medial lemniscal test stimulation, the VB neuron was commonly inhibited. These effects may result from local excitation of VB neurons by pyramidal efferents, with in-hibition of surrounding VB neurons. The in-hibition is probably via recurrent fibers from the excited neurons, and may operate functi-onally in "sharpening" incoming sensory impulses.
2. Electrical stimulation of the nucleus ventralis lateralis thalami under light pento-barbital anesthesia augmented muscle spindle discharges of the contralateral extensors and flexors. This effect was abolished or decreas-ed by destruction of the midbrain tegmentum including parts of the red nuclei, unaffected by pericruciate cortical ablation and pyrami-dal transection. These results may indicate that the ventralis lateralis facilitates muscle spindle activities via the tegmentum independ-ently of the motor cortex.

Copyright © 1963, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.