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ヒトの錐体路を構成する神経線維が身体局在的配列をとることはすでに臨床神経学では常識的な事実と考えられている。従来の多くの成書のみでなく,新らしく出版されている神経解剖学ないし臨床神経学の成書たとえばBrodal, A. (1950) Bi—ng, R. (1953) Ranson, S. W. & Clark, S. L. (1959)Austin, G.(1961)などにも脊髄内の錐体路,ことに錐体側索路の神経線維に明確精細な身体局在的配列の存在を示す図が採用されている。元来このような錐体側索路内の線維配列に身体局在性があるという考えは,1908年Fabritiusが脊髄に刺創を受けた患者の神経障害から思いついたもので,その後Foerster (1936)やWalker (1940)らがなんら解剖学的実証なしにこれをその著書に採用し,後世すべてこれを踏襲しているにすぎない(第1図)。ところが驚くべきことにその後の実験的研究をみると,これを肯定するものはわずかで,そのほとんどが否定している。(Hoche (1900),Bikeles (1901), Marie et Idelsohn (1904),Déjérine et Déjérine (1904), Fischer (1905),Gierlich (1910), Kehrer (1911), von Szigethy (1925))。
It has deen currently believed that the fibers are arranged somatotopically in the pyramidal tract and the diagrams illustrating such a somatotopical localization are found in current books of Neuroanatomy and clinical Neuro-logy. The diagnosis concerning the site of tumor or hemorrhage in the brain has usually been made according to the idea obtained from these diagrams.
It is, howerer, rather astonishing to find no previous data available to prove such a somatotopical localization of fibers in the pyramidal tracts in man as well as in other animals.
In this present investigation lesions were made in the medullary pyramid of monkeys. and the changes in behaviour of animals were observed after the operation. The degenerat-ed fiber tracts of spinal cords were traced by means of Marchi method.
As the results there was no finding indicates the existence of any somatotopical localiztion in the arrangement of fibers composing the pyramidal tract in the medullary pyramid as well as in the spinal cord. Authors want to call special attention to the discrepancy bet-ween the current idea and the fact.

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