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その後,Denikerは同じneurolepticsといつても,ChlorpromazineとReserpineとでは,かなり適応がちがうということに気がついた。たとえば,精神分裂病の欠陥像を呈するものには,ChlorpromazineよりもReserpineのほうがよく効く。同時にReserpineではChlorpromazineに比して,早期に振せんやパーキンソン様症状があらわれる。akathisia (静かに坐つていられない)も高い頻度であらわれる。
The new phenothiazine derivative drug, 7843 R. P. was introduced into the treatment of chronic schizophrenics which had failed by the treatment with other psychotherapeutic drugs.
In 21 cases, 3 showed marked improvement. However these conditions could not last for a long time. Another 3 cases failed to achieve the successful results. But taking available this treatment they improved gradually and could discharge in fast full remission follo-wing several months.
Some trif fle improvements such as beco-ming lively were noticed in 9 cases. But ge-nerally speaking, they were only a matter:of degree. In 6 cases we could not obtain no remarkable effects.
Occasionally 7843 R. P. brought a favorable result in the treatment of chronic schizophre-nics, but they used to relapse soon or later. As a future problem considerations may be need to continue these good condition obtained temporarily by using other neuroleptic drugs.

Copyright © 1961, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.