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緒 言
Acanthosis nigricansは比較的稀な疾患であり,1890年,Janovsky及びPollitzerが夫々独立に記載してから既に欧米では約420例,吾国では板津(1901)の報告以来約120例が報告されている。色素増殖,乳嘴状肥大,角質増殖とその好発部位とが本症の特徴であるが,同時に悪性腫瘍との高率な合併も衆知の事実である。最近我々は,末端肥大症を合併し,手術及び組織学的検索により下垂体腺腫(混合型)を確かめ得た稀な症例に遭遇したので報告する。
A 37 year old female, a factory worker, was admitted to the Niigata University Hos-pital with a chief complaint of increasing body weight, enlargement of mouth-lips and fingers and toes,as well as deepning of voi-ce for previous four consecutive years. Mul-tiple dark-brown pigmentations have been increasing on the bilateral axillary,cervical and anterior thoracic regions for the last two years. She has been amenorrheic for one year and a half. On admission,a skin biopsy of ri-ght axillary region was done. Histology sho-wed" Acanthosis Nigricans". There was a marked enlargement of the sella turcica on craniogram and laboratory examinations re-vealed a slight hypof unction of the hypophy-seo-adrenocortical system.Craniotomy was performed on and a pituitary tumor was re-moved ; histology was that of Pituitary Ade-noma (mixed form). Postoperatively, she lost her body weight and saw an improve-ment of the cutaneous lesions.
This case seemes to belong to"Pseudo-Acanthosis Nigricans" which Curth, H.O. for-merly described.

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