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A girl aged 7 years, with symptoms of men-tal retardation, epileptic seizures and ade-noma sebaceum, was clinically diagnosed as tuberous sclerosis. Her main autopsy find-ings were as following:
1) Ca. 20 upto walnut-sized firm nodular lesions of the cerebral cortex (appearance of monstrous glial and nerve cells). Many heterotopic lesions of the cerebral medulla. A few pea-sized tumors of the lateral ventricles (spongioblastomas). 2) A few pea-sized myo-cardial tumors (rhabdomyomas). 3) Ca. 20 upto pinhead-sized nodules of the kindneys (lipo-angio-myo-mesenchYmomas). 4) A hen's-egg-sized firm subcutaneous mass of the left parietal region (fibroma durum). 5) Adenoma sebaceum of the face. 6) Cystic degeneration of the ovarii. 7) Parenchyma-tous thymus (30g in weight) and hypertro-phied lymphatic apparatus. 8) Widely dis-tributed appearance of brown fat tissue in the depth of body.
The item 8 is a remarkable finding, which has never been described in the literature of tuberous sclerosis, and, therefore, this paperwas concerned with this matter especially.

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