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1954年Melbourne大学のShaw及びその協力者はBarbiturateの拮抗剤としてβ-β-methyl-ethyl-glutarimide (一般名Bemegride或はMegimide)を報告し,其の後我が国においても急性睡眠薬中毒症等に著効があつた等の2,3の報告がなされている。Bemegride (以下B.M.R.と略記す)の薬理作用は中枢神経系に刺激的,或いは興奮的に作用するものと推定せられBarbi-turateの血中濃度に対しては変化を与えず,解毒,排泄促進の作用がない事が明らかになつている。他方,B.M.R.にはてんかんの異常脳波賦活作用もあるといわれ,Drossopouls et al (1956)1)Courjon et al (1956)2),Rodin et al (1958)3),Cohen et al (1958)4),和田等(1958)5),切替等(1958)6),直居等(1959)7),の報告があり,いずれもPentamethylen tetrazolより少量で賦活され,副作用もすくないと報告している。
The EEG activating effect of Bemegride has been reported on by Drossopoulo, Courjon, Rodin and Cohen. In order to compare the effect of Bemegride with that of Metrazol, 56 subjects were activated with Bemegride and Metrazol at different times.
The following results were obtained:
1) In the non-epileptic group (28 subjects, 45 EEG examinations), no abnormal findings were observed for intravenous injections of 100mg.of Bemegride in 5 minutes. The change of injection speed (100mg. in 3 minutes or 1 minute) did not alter the findings.
2) In epileptics, Bemegride activated abno-rmal EEG in 17 subjects (94.4%). This effect is approximately equal to that of Metrazol, 93.8%.
3) Further injection of Bemegride after the occurrence of abnormal EEG induced clinically convulsive fits. In 8 (44.4%) out of 18 epile-ptics, clinical seizures were provoked. The provoking effect of seizures by Bemegride is lower than that by Metrazol (56.2% in our st-udy). From the clinical point of view, Bern-egride is less drastic in its effects and more useful than Metrazol.

Copyright © 1959, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.