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第II編 生理学的機能研究について
解剖篇にて述べた如く,著者は内頸動脈サイフォン部に,non-chromaffin paraganglionの小体群を発見した。そこで従来の知見に照らしあわせて考えると,当然この小体の生理的機能は何であろうかとの疑問が起きてくる。もちろん循環系になんらかの関係を有するのであろうが,果して機能上chemoreceptorに属するものか,pres-soreceptorに属するものであろうか。
The part of the internal carotid artery cal-led the "carotid siphon" has been attracting our attentin from the anatomical and cereb-ro-circulatory standpoint, because of its pecu-liar curvature.
I made various investigations on the anatomy and physiological functions of the "siphon part".
I. Anatomy
(1) I discoverd the bodies (cell groups) on the wall or in the neighbourhood of the "caro-tid siphon". The bodies may be regarded as non-chromaffin paraganglion.
(2) According to their site and shape, they can be classified into three groups:the fir-st, the second and the third. The body of thefirst group is relatively large, 500-1500mic-ron in size. The bodies of the second and the third groups are relatively small, 80-500 micron in size.
(3) The shape of the body is round or oval or sometimes irregular. The bodies consist of numerous epitheloid cells which are surrounded by a supporting fibrous stro-ma, rich in capillary net-work.
(4) About the distribution of these bodies, there are nearly no differences with respect to sides, age and sex.
(5) We named these cell groups "siphon bodies".

Copyright © 1959, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.